Avery on the SeineElectric light liftThere are such processing steps in processing

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The angle between the wall bracket and the horizontal plane should comply with the requirements of the user manual.

Civil engineering advantages: The pit depth of the guide rail type lifting platform is generally around 150-300mm, and the top layer is not affected. It can be customized according to the location and environment.

Avery on the Seine.Construction electric elevators should be equipped with lower limit switches that are sensitive and reliable.

Speed limiter. To prevent the driving speed from exceeding the normal speed. A speedometer should be installed (not required for floors below or including the second floor), which is an individual mechanism that is integrated with a safety clamp; The entrance and exit of the passenger compartment should be equipped with safety doors. Public places, and

.The connection method and angle between the wall bracket and the building structure should comply with the requirements of the user manual.

Setting requirements: The foundation and foundation of the construction electric elevator should meet the requirements of the user manual. Before installing the construction electric elevator, the foundation should be inspected and accepted according to the requirements of the specifications. Only after passing the inspection can the installation be carried out.

The quality of the standard section should comply with the product manual and specification requirements.

Avery on the SeineElectric light liftThere are such processing steps in processing

The hydraulic oil forms a certain pressure by the vane pump, and enters the lower end of the hydraulic cylinder through an oil filter, explosion-proof electromagnetic directional valve, throttle valve, hydraulic control one-way valve,Avery on the SeineElectric elevator mobile type,Avery on the SeineInstallation of electric elevators for fire protection, and balance valve, causing the hydraulic cylinder to move upwards and lift heavy objects. The return oil at the upper end of the hydraulic cylinder returns to the oil tank through the explosion-proof electromagnetic directional valve, and its rated pressure overflow valve is adjusted. The pressure gauge observes the reading value on the pressure gauge. The downward movement of the hydraulic cylinder (i.e. lowering of heavy objects).

Equal effect.

The landing door should be in a normally closed state. Without the permission of the construction electric elevator driver, the landing door shall not be opened.

Promise and keep promise.Small safe operation distance: Circuit voltage (kV) of external power lines<11~1035~110220330~550 Small safe operation distance (m) 4681015 Setting requirements: A small safe distance should be maintained between the outer edge of the construction electric elevator and the edge of the external overhead power line.

To meet the needs of choreographers and choreographers in different plays, different heights of the lifting platform can be used to change the shape of the stage according to the requirements of the choreographers and choreographers, in order to adapt to the requirements of the plot for the scenery or venue, and save manpower and material resources for setting up. By using the tilting device of the lifting platform to form a tilted platform a better highlighting effect can be achieved in various performances. According to the needs of the plot, creating unexpected atmosphere and effects according to the needs of the plot. For example special atmosphere and effects can be created. Even simple stage machinery often participates in performance activities, using the low-speed descent of the lifting platform to represent a sunken ship in the sea, using the valves on the lifting platform and the sudden disappearance and appearance of actors on the lifting platform.

Setting requirements: The spacing of wall brackets along the vertical direction should comply with the provisions of the user manual.

Avery on the SeineElectric light liftThere are such processing steps in processing

Human improper operation is the main factor causing malfunctions in scissor type electric elevators. When stacking goods, electric elevators should stack the goods neatly,Avery on the Seine1 ton electric elevator, which is better than stacking them in the center of the cargo stacking area of the cargo elevator to avoid imbalance between the two ends of the stacking area. Eventually, during the operation of the electric elevator, it may cause the electric elevator to lose balance. After the goods are stacked completely, ropes should be used to lock the goods, so that they are not afraid of the goods during the lifting process; Careless; Scattered down

Installation conditions.The L distance depends on the selected wall mount model.

Items and other miscellaneous items.

Setting requirements: The spacing of wall brackets along the vertical direction should comply with the provisions of the user manual.

Avery on the Seine.Mechanical devices controlled by cage movement should not be used to open or close the landing door.

Model Example: Hanging Cage Specification: LABSC200/200TD3200x1500 Type I: 2900~3600 Type II: 2900~3600 Type V: 1800~250044003800 Technical Requirements: The load-bearing capacity of the foundation should be greater than P: P=(hanging cage weight+outer cage weight+total weight of guide rail frame+counterweight+load) x0.02 (kN).

The entrance of each landing platform must be equipped with a landing door, and the door bolt must be set on the side next to the construction electric elevator.